General/Archive Sites:
The Stargate Novel Archive
This page is home to Stargate novels: stories that are 150 kb and over. There's everything here, so if you happen to have a free afternoon, this is place to be.
This page is a must for any self-respecting Stargate fanfic addict!
Five-Minute Stargate
These are basically very funny five minute parodies of the episodes.
Sam/Jack Sites:
The Cartouche
Sharim's page of fanfics. She's awesome, what more can I say?! My personal favourites: A Place Called Home and When Duty Calls.
Plenty of good stuff here!
Wendy's Stargate Fan Fiction
Reading Wendy's stories "Sam Carter's Diary" and "Sam Carter's Christmas Diary" is an absolute must!
Noda's Stargate SG-1 Fan fiction
Some of Noda's works are novel length stories, but well worth the time it takes the read them. I'd recommend reading "Contagion" and "The Best I Ever Had" Her shorter length stories are excellent as well.
Stargate SG-1 Stories by Sally Reeve
This talented lady recently won many awards at the Stargate SG-1 Fanfiction Awards and rightly so! I can't pick just a couple to recommend, so I suggest reading them all!
This page belongs to the talented Suz. Her fanfic is often humourous and again, I'd recommend all of it. While you're there, be sure to check out her music videos as well! I actually found out about Suz when I stumbled across her Star Trek Voyager fanfic last year, if you like that fandom as well, Sacajawea is Suz's page of Voyager stories.
Calliope's Library. Excellent fanfics. My favourites: Death by Stargate and the Exile, Suspension and Asylum trio. She also has some cool music videos, check 'em out!
Jo. R's Random Ramblings
This page has many excellent fanfic works. I particularly enjoyed the "Near Yet Far" series.
Denise's Fan Fiction
Denise has written some nice Sam/Jack pieces, and she also does a lot of general Stargate fic. Be sure to check out Knit One, Purl Two in the Comedy section!
Venom's Sam and Jack Page
Check out Venom's own fanfiction as well as some of her favourites.
Hoodat Whatzit's fanpage. There's some good fanfiction (check out Storm Warning) and also has an excellent photo gallery and wav files.
Daniel/Janet Sites:
Tigermoth is a huge Daniel/Janet fan, so if you're looking to read some stories along that line, this is the place. Check out her own fanfiction as well as her recommendations.